Education Beyond War

Empowering Ukrainian Students

Project Scale-Up and Marketing Support

The Purpose

Teach Ukrainian Youth is a project that will provide an opportunity for students to study in Washington state schools

Education is disrupted because of the war

13.9 million displaced people

There are an estimated 5,914,000 internally displaced people in Ukraine. Nearly 8 million refugees from Ukraine have been recorded in neighboring countries and across Europe. The population of Ukraine in 2022 — 41 million.

17.6 million people in need

Approximately 17.6 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance in 2023, according to the UN data.

>70% of schools work remotely

As of December 2022, 36% of schools alternated between remote and in-person learning, and another 36% only taught their students remotely. 1,259 schools have been damaged (11% of the total number). 223 schools have been completely destroyed according to the Report.

iMiracleProject is a WA-based non-profit organization with a focus on Ukraine

  • Deliver humanitarian aid to Ukraine, including 14,000+ pounds of medical supplies in 2022.

  • Support on-the-ground volunteer groups in Ukraine and Europe — 50,000+ people helped.

  • Provide assistance to Ukrainian refugees in Washington state.

Teach Ukrainian Youth is a project that empowers students

  • Starting in 2022, the project helped a few Ukrainian students to come to the US to continue their secondary education.

  • After the first school year, we are ready to scale up from 3 students to a higher scale in 2023.

Project Overview

The goal for us is to build a scalable system to match students, schools and host families in Washington as well as establish a support network.

  • Find the students in Ukraine who meet the project's criteria:

    • Proficiency in English;

    • Parental Consent;

    • Ability to spend at least 1 academic year in the US.

  • Identify schools in Washington school districts that are able to accept new students and have resources to support international students.

  • Find families in Washington that are ready to host Ukrainian students for at least 1 year and willing to help them with adapting to a new culture

  • As a part of the adaptation process, the community support is needed: including mental health professionals, other Ukrainians, volunteers and other supporters.

What is unique about this project?

Mental health and Community support are the unique features of the project. They provide multi-level support for the students experiencing both cultural adaptation and traumatic past experience

Mental health counseling

Addressing trauma

The students faced traumatic experiences being in a war-torn country as well as going to face challenges being international students in a new educational and cultural environment.

Counseling — at least 1 hour a week

Each student will have the option to work with a mental health professional to work through the difficult period of time.

Community support

Cultural Adaptation in the US

Community member helps kids to get used to the new environment.

Connection with Ukraine

Being surrounded by the other Ukrainians helps students to deal with being away from home

The role of iMiralceProject

iMiracleProject drives and coordinates the project: generates funding, creates infrastructure, matches all the entities together, takes care of the paperwork.

Key Performance Indicators

  • Bring 60 students for 2023/2024 academic year

    Find eligible students and help them to get to Washington.

  • Find at least 50 host families and identify 10 schools

    Match students with the host families and schools to make arrangements before the academic year starts.

  • Provide counselor support for each student

    Set up mental health sessions with professional counselors for at least once a week.

  • Raise 100% Funds needed to maintain the project

    Make sure that funding is available for at least 1 academic year.

The iMiracleProject Team

Communication Strategy

Using the Power of Storytelling

The communication strategy aims to amplify the project and involve the local community in the support of the kids and the project infrastructure in general

Build awareness within the Ukrainian community

Become visible and familiar to Ukrainians in Washington and find the first students through them. The partnership with the Ukrainian Association of Washington State would be extremely valuable

Build awareness among the general public

Share our story with the general public in WA. Keep them aware of the war in Ukraine and ways to support refugees. Cooperate with partners and find new supporters through media coverage. Find host families.

Support in raising funds for the project

Support in generating funding through various channels: individual donors, government grants, and corporate sponsorship.

Target Audience Segments

We will reach communication goals across all audience segments using relevant tools and setting KPIs for each of the segments.

Communication Tools

Owned Media

  • Regular updates on the project. Helps maintain a constant connection with the audience. Helps to attract event attendees and individual donations

  • On-stop-shop for detailed information on the project + application forms and reports are posted there

  • Helps maintain a constant connection with the audience. Helps to attract event attendees and individual donations

  • Help to maintain community engagement

Earned Media

  • Google Ads and Facebook Ads help extending the outreach, attract participants and donors

  • Traditional media like TV, Print and Radio. Helps build awareness by reaching a wide audience in the state

  • Charity Navigator, GoFundMe etc. Helps to raise awareness and attract new donors

  • Partnering with other organization help reach out to the new audience and build relationships in the community

Customer Journey Map: Host Family

Communication Assets

Community Outreach

Email Newsletter for Supporters

Search for Students

Social Media Post example

The Project in the Media

Since the launch if the pilot version in 2022, the project was covered in the earned and owned media.

News Articles

TV Appearances

Social Media Posts

Let’s Connect!

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Evgeniya Polikarpova’s LinkedIn Account